Friday, August 10, 2012



Today is 4dp5dt and I noticed a wee bit of spotting when I whipped. I know some people have what is called “implantation spotting”, but I’m just not convinced that is the case.  It is light brown / beginning of period looking.  And I have some period cramps but I figure that is probably because of the sena-kot I took this morning to help me poop.    I called my RE’s office and they said that it is “hormone changes”… Whatever the frick that means.  I am still planning on waiting until the 15th for my beta.  I just loathe HPT’s.  They have hurt my feelings too darn much in the past.  Any thoughts on what you all think the spotting could be would be most appreciated.

Besides wondering what is going on down below, I am enjoying my time with my adorable nephews and my wonderful sister-in-law and brother.    I am lucky to say that  I LOVE my sister in law. She rocks and I consider her one of my best friends.  Being here with my family is definitely making this TWW somewhat manageable.

1 comment:

  1. Spotting is a good sign. Everytime I had a positive, I had spotting around day three or five. Seriously! I will not even use HPTs because if I don't spot then I already "know" what the outcome will be. Hang in there.
