Friday, September 28, 2012

10 weeks 2 days

10 weeks 2 days


I went in again yesterday, 10 weeks 1 day and was measuring 10 weeks 2 days.  So nice to see that heart beating…  Still scared as ever but the more reassurance I have the more relaxed I feel.  Unfortunately, I will not get reassurance with my Doppler in my first trimester.  The little bugger is hiding pretty well!  The doctor still can’t find the baby with the external ultra sound so he has to go vaginally.  Would be nice to graduate to external, just like it would be nice to be holding my baby in my arms alreadyJ  my dotor totally thinks I’m a bit loony as I have come in almost every week to be checked, but really, I do not care if I am “that” patient.  After he scanned me he told me that I don’t have to come back for  weeks, but come back whenever you want.  lol 


Last weekend we went to Louisville, KY.  DH’s Grandpa passed away.  It was a very sad weekend.  We ended up telling his parents because I have been so nauseaus and tired and we didn’t want them to think I was being rude because I was so lethargic the whole time. They were, of course, thrilled. 


Sorry for such a blah update.  I will hopefully have more energy once these next few weeks pass and I am apparently in the ‘safe zone”. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Still beating:)

I met my new OB.  He was really nice, seemed smartJ so,  I think I’ll be in good hands.  He is nice enough to let me come back in 2 weeks for another scan instead of the routine 4 weeks.  I told him how scared I was and e said it was not a problem for me to come back more frequently until I felt more “settled” – yey! 

I can’t believe the baby doubled since last week.  He is now 1.91 cm, which measures 4 days ahead of schedule.  I measured 8weeks days and I was only 7weeks6days. The u/s machine at the OB’s office is so old that it doesn’t even read BPM, but it did look as though it was pumping pretty well to the doc.  I am shocked at how old everything is in NYC a supposedly “progressive” city.  I bet the u/s machine that they wheeled in was one of the first u/s machines ever!    I thought NYU's machines were old, but OMG - this was a dinosaur.  I was spoiled with all the fancy new equitment in Wisconsin.

I did buy a Doppler and I tried It out a few days ago.  I knew it was too early to find a heart beat but I wanted to try.  Even though I am 8 weeks I’m too scared to try again.  I know the baby is doing great as of yesterday so I will stay content with that

We have had a few more celebrity sightings.  I will share those pics with you at my next post. 

As for now, I’m pretty nauseous 24/7. However, eating makes me feel better.  So, I eat a lot.  Try to eat healthy but it's hard to do all the time.  I take a nap just about everyday.   I have been exercising every other day for about 30 minutes on the elliptical too, hoping that will help with the munchies. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

It’s a Spanish Peanut with a Heartbeat!

Today I am 6 weeks 5 days.  And I measured 6 weeks 5 days.  CRL .81cm.  The doctor referred to the size of the baby as a “Spanish Peanut”.  So, my husband continues to refer to “it” as a Spanish Peanut.  The heartbeat was 128.  So now it is off to the OB.  I will be 8 weeks 1 day at my first OB appointment.  11 days to go!  That seems like a long time to wait before seeing my Spanish Peanut. 

I also caved and bought a fetal Doppler today.  I am not sure when it will arrive, but I kind of hope it doesn’t arrive until after my next ultra sound b/c I know it is too early to find a hb with one of those things so early.  I may need my husband to hide it from me =0

Really cute DH move today: During my last pregnancy my sister gave me her prenatal yoga DVD, which I obviously never ended up using.  I figured they were packed away some where in our zillions of storage boxes, just because we didn’t bring much to NYC.  Especially things we would not use.  I was wrong, DH packed them and brought them out to me this afternoon and said, “I though you might need these.”  Lo and behold he wsa holding prenatal yoga DVD’s!   It made me so happy:)  1. It was really sweet of him.  2. I don’t have to go out an buy a pre-natal yoga DVDJ


Happy Labor Day! 

