Friday, September 28, 2012

10 weeks 2 days

10 weeks 2 days


I went in again yesterday, 10 weeks 1 day and was measuring 10 weeks 2 days.  So nice to see that heart beating…  Still scared as ever but the more reassurance I have the more relaxed I feel.  Unfortunately, I will not get reassurance with my Doppler in my first trimester.  The little bugger is hiding pretty well!  The doctor still can’t find the baby with the external ultra sound so he has to go vaginally.  Would be nice to graduate to external, just like it would be nice to be holding my baby in my arms alreadyJ  my dotor totally thinks I’m a bit loony as I have come in almost every week to be checked, but really, I do not care if I am “that” patient.  After he scanned me he told me that I don’t have to come back for  weeks, but come back whenever you want.  lol 


Last weekend we went to Louisville, KY.  DH’s Grandpa passed away.  It was a very sad weekend.  We ended up telling his parents because I have been so nauseaus and tired and we didn’t want them to think I was being rude because I was so lethargic the whole time. They were, of course, thrilled. 


Sorry for such a blah update.  I will hopefully have more energy once these next few weeks pass and I am apparently in the ‘safe zone”. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so far behind on my blog reading / commenting from having my FET last week, but glad to hear you received a good report at your appointment!

    And my condolences on your hubby's grandpa passing away. :(
