Friday, October 5, 2012

"I'll have what she's having" and 11 weeks 2 days

Everyone who has seen the movie When Harry Met Sally has remember that famous diner scene when Meg Rayan in demonstrating a fake orgasam.  We've had friends in town the past few days so we did touristy things.  We went to the Katz Deli, whih is atually really lose to where I live - who knew?!  Anyhow, the place was super crowded and we weere able to get the famous table where Meg Ryan  & Billy Crystal sat!  Below is a picture of me sitting at the table. That's me, in the grey t-shirt.  I have no idea who the girl in the purple t-shirt is but I'm 

 11 weeks down.  Yee haw!  My friend from the fertile thoughts board shared an article about IF and there was a quote that hits home for me and my anxiety.  I’m sure many of you can relate to this quote as well.

“Women who become pregnant after infertility treatments face more complex challenges than those with a natural pregnancy” “They can’t relax; there’s incredible fear and anxiety over miscarriage or birth defects. They’ve usually spent years in infertility treatment, and are used to things not working out.”

Things not working out… That’s exactly it.  It just doesn’t feel real that this could finally, actually be “working out”. 


  1. I totally agree about the "things not working out" part and being used to it. I'm afraid I'm too used to it and that somehow, it is affecting my chances of actually getting pregnant. If, by some miracle of God, I do actually see a BFP at some point, I'm not sure I will believe it.

    1. Sams - It will work out for you. Hang in there. It took me 2.5 years of trying and I have to say I got very use to it and it somehow has finally worked out. Big hugs to you my friend. Praying for you xoxox

  2. Love this post! And how fun that you ate at that table. One of the best movies ever :)
