Tuesday, October 9, 2012

12 weeks!

I NEVER thought I would get this far. The Nuchal scan was AMAZING!  Baby was moving his arms all around and at one point did a bouncing maneuver - so cool!  Right when they found the baby with the ultra sound I yelled out, "oh my god, it's moving in there!"  I did not expect to see that.  His(I'm convinced it's a boy) legs were crossed - kinda cute if you ask me:) Now we have to wait and hear back about the chromosome testing.  A wee bit nervous about that.  Won't hear anything until the end of the week.

One thing I'm surprised about is the fact that I did not cry.  It was so beautiful seeing the baby swimming around.  Why did I not cry?  DH cried at one point, but not me.  Dry as a whistle.  I know I will cry tears of relief and joy at some point.. I know I will, right?  


  1. I cried during our first IVF transfer (which failed) but I didn't cry during our first FET (which was successful!). I also cried when our RE called to tell us the good news about my positive pregnancy test. And I've been a little weepy when telling close friends/family our good news and hearing their responses...and especially seeing all of the support on my blog from my readers. I have a feeling that there will be a lot more (happy) tears in the next 8 months!

    So happy for you that you were able to see your little one move! I can't wait for that.

  2. When that picture came up, the hair on my arms stood up and I got chills. I couldn't be happier for you, girl! You have been through it all and you deserve to be happy. The tears of joy will come eventually :)
