Monday, August 13, 2012

HPT Picture and Beta!

I have received a few picture requests.  Here it is.  This one is from today 7dp5dt.  It is only slightly darker than the one from yesterday.   Of course that makes me worry b/c I wanted it to be like 10x darker than the one yesterday:)

I also got up bright and early to get my beta drawn.  I wasnt' sure if they were going to let me b/c it was 2 days before my required date.  Carol, the main nurse, whom I love comes to get me from the waiting room, puts her arm around me and says to me, "looks like you are doing well".  Then she tells me to sit in the blood room as one of the other nurses will come in to draw your blood.  My designated blood drawer this morning comes and sits in front of me and says, you know it's early and it could be the HCG from your trigger... I was like... ummm I don't think so that was quite a while ago.  Another nurse behind her buts in and says, I could get get my blood drawn... yey!  Well the mean-ole nurse that designated blood drawer pokes me like 5  times before she actually found a vein that would draw blood.  Bad phlebotomist if you ask me!  Anyhow, I walk away wounded, annoyed and happy that I did get my beta drawn.

As I was finishing the last paragraph I got a call from a NICE nurse to tell me, congratulations - that I am definitely pregnant.  My beta is 75.   I'll take it for now.  Stay tuned for Wednesday.  Doubling successfully complete the beta hurdle.



  1. Yay Becky!!!!!!!!!!!!! So so very happy and excited for you!!!!!!!!!! I'm not sure if you remember me from the HA board, my username is Shayla19...still TTC'ing and am currently in the 2ww. Anyway, I got the news from Dexy to come over to your blog and check out the awesome news....praying for a doubling beta and that this sweet bean sticks :) Congrats sweets!!!!! xoxo

  2. Congrats!!! This is just phenomenal!!

  3. :) Congratulations! Paying fo rising betas, strong hearteats, and a healthy baby! xoxo -Ssej
