Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Thanks for the support

Thank you everyone for you emails, calls, texts and posts.  It is so nice to have such wonderful friends and family.  BFN's do not get any easier.  A little piece of my heart seems to chips off each time.  Will this ever happen?  I mean really?  Beta was negative today 9dp5dt and they want me to stay on meds until 11dp... no thank you.  I need to move on. AF arrive ASAP - ok?
When I was talking with my mom, she said that I should look into surrogacy.  I don't want to give up because I know I can get pregnant.  I am going to try another round of Femera and Menopur to holpfully grow follicles.  It is quite discouraging that no follicles grew last time. I'm wondering if I should do just a menopur cycle, but that starts getting really expensive and it seems to be one or the other with me... overstimm or understimm..  Please oh please let this be the cycle.


  1. Does your doc have any suggestions of things to tweak this time around? It makes no sense that you don't seem to be responding!!!! Thinking of you lots and lots. xox.

  2. Know what you mean about a little piece of your hear being chipped off each time... thinking of you through this difficult time and hope you are able to move on quickly to the next cycle with the answers you need about what protocol would be best for you xoxo
